The smoothie to overcome those days when we lack energy.

El smoothie para superar esos días en los que nos falta la energía
El smoothie para superar esos días en los que nos falta la energía
El smoothie para superar esos días en los que nos falta la energía
El smoothie para superar esos días en los que nos falta la energía
Yes, we know that traveling is one of the greatest pleasures there is. But when it comes to long-haul flights, there's always a common enemy: jet lag. After traveling for so many hours, we feel weak and very tired.
What if we told you that we have the perfect smoothie to recharge your energy and revitalize your body? Yes, you heard that right. Today we bring you the Jetlag Smoothie, the perfect recipe to get you moving and keep conquering the world.
To enjoy the Jetlag Smoothie, you'll need:
  • Two handfuls of spinach.
  • Half a banana.
  • One apple.
  • Six strawberries.
  • One tablespoon of flax seeds.
  • One and a half cups of coconut water.
  • And most importantly, a portable blender.
The combination of these ingredients will give you vitality and help your body regain its best form. Each of the ingredients, with its properties, will help you overcome the fatigue and heaviness after the trip.
  • The fruits and vegetables in the recipe, like strawberries, will rehydrate your body and provide those vitamins that have been lost during the flight. You'll also feel much lighter thanks to the diuretic properties of the apple, which will reduce fluid retention in the body.
  • Some ingredients of the smoothie are rich in carbohydrates, like banana or spinach, so they will give you the energy you need to face post-flight sleepiness.
  • On the other hand, flax seeds are a great source of fiber and protein.
We'll show you step by step how to prepare this smoothie with our portable blender.

After washing the fruits, peel and cut half a banana, an apple, and a pear into small pieces for easier blending. Put the fruit and vegetables into the portable blender, then add the flax seeds and coconut water. Blend the mixture until smooth and creamy, and you'll be ready to enjoy a delicious smoothie that will give you that energy boost to conquer the world.