

Boredom has a very bad reputation. Just enter Google and look for "phrases about boredom" to realize it. It is said about the boredom that "it is the act of losing a moment of your life", "it is the direct path to obesity", "is not to find a way to enjoy life", "it is a vice of the brain", "" It is the first step to despair ”… You can also find some positive phrases about it, but for each of them, there are ten condemning boredom.

We are very afraid of boredom. We spend our lives trying to fill all their hours, minutes and seconds with some activity. We strive to have a life full of events, and we seek the same for our children who, since childhood, are subjected to a battery of extracurricular activities when they leave school. Then, at home, we instill that even their games must be “useful”, that they are “benefiting” for the future. What probably happens is that we are afraid to face ourselves, without filters, without screens, without excuses.

The pleasure of getting bored. The usefulness of getting bored. The need to get bored. It would be very good that we reserve occasionally for a while to bore ourselves conscientiously. Most of the best artistic and creation works have been born from boredom, which makes the mind travel and imagine without the limitations that daily activities entail. Boring is sometimes healthy and necessary. And it even serves to write an article in a blog, when someone who gets bored gets to look for phrases on Google.