April 23rd

23 de abril
23 de abril
23 de abril
23 de abril

As Wikipedia informs us, April 23 is the 113rd day of the year at the Gregorian calendar (the 114th in the leap years). We also know that on this day the feast of San Jorge, or Sant Jordi, or Saint George is celebrated, which is not only the patron of Catalonia, but also of Aragon, England, Germany, Ethiopia, Georgia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Netherlands , Portugal ... It is traditional in many of these places that loved people are exchanged a rose and a book.
Yes, also a book. It turns out that on April 23, 1616 Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died. The same day of the same year, two of the greatest geniuses in universal literature died. It is undoubtedly a date worthy of being remembered. For this reason, in 1995, UNESCO declared this date as International Book Day. The objective of this measure is to pay a world tribute to the book and its authors, and encourage everyone, in particular the youngest, to discover the pleasure of reading and respect the irreplaceable contribution of the creators to social and cultural progress.
Today is April 23. Congratulations if your name is Jorge, or Jordi, or George. Congratulations if your country or territory is celebrated today. Congratulations also if you are in love or in love; Do not forget to buy or ask for a rose. But above all, even if it is not your saint, even if it is not a party where you live, even if you have no partner to buy or ask for a rose, buy a book. Buy a book and read it. And then buy another (or several more), and register it to someone you want. It is difficult to make a better gift than a good book.
Today is April 23. Happy Book Day.