6,000 solidarity bottles

6.000 botellas solidarias
6.000 botellas solidarias
6.000 botellas solidarias
6.000 botellas solidarias
The spirit of water by water continues to grow and spread more and more. We have more than 6,000 solidarity bottles distributed, throughout this year, thanks to each of the people who have bought bottles in our stores and web, in addition to those who have shared the project in their social networks and have helped us spread it through of ours APP in Facebok 2post_ (blog) We wanted to take advantage to thank your help and, above all, encourage all those who have not yet done so. It is very easy to participate, because with a simple gesture such as buying a bottle delivers directly and without intermediaries € 0’50 to the NGO Agua for the Sahel, an NGO formed by volunteers that has been building wells in Burkina Faso for 20 years. So simple, that effective. Since 2012 water for water has helped finance 8 wells and, with the collaboration of all, we hope to continue helping to build many more. The lack of access to portable water is the largest cause of mortality in the world, it is estimated that 85 million people do not have access to it. Water by water is our way of providing a grain of sand to balance the tremendous inequality between those that we access the water with a single finger blow, and those that have to travel long distances to get it. We encourage you to participate in the campaign and help make water a good of all and for everyone doing click here Thanks for your support!