Water for water

Agua por Agua
Agua por Agua
Agua por Agua
Agua por Agua
We had been thinking about starting it for a while but we always met a thousand pights. And we have finally found a supplier together with which we have been able to launch it. Water by water is a water rich in solidarity. Every time you buy a bottle you are delivering directly and without intermediary 50 cents to the NGO Agua for the Sahel, an NGO formed by volunteers who charge absolutely nothing and that has been building wells in Burkina Faso for 20 years.
Water by water is our way of providing a grain of sand to balance the tremendous inequality between those that we access the water with a single finger blow, and those that have to travel long distances to get it. We invite you to enter the web www.aguaporagua.org and in the water for the Sahel http://aiguaperalsahel.pangea.org Thanks for your support!.