If you have followed the track for a long time, you will know that the design of our bags is very important for us. We work a new design every 6 months. With them we want to provoke, denounce, make you think or smile. There are some more sober and elegant, others crazy and colorful. They are usually the reflection of how we feel.
Every Christmas we launched a new design (and this year it was not going to be less). The Christmas campaign of 2022 invites us not to anticipate and embrace what life has prepared for us. Every Christmas, we propose millions of unattainable and totally utopian purposes. What happens if this Christmas do not anticipate? Do not we mark challenges and focus more on spontaneity? Why don't we trust what life has to give us?
Happy what has to be will be!
However, we have been reflecting on a subject that worried us. By changing design in the bags, envelopes and stickers every Christmas, we have past Christmas stocks: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. So we had two options:
1. Destroy all that excess stock.
2. Take advantage of that excess stock.
Our priority is to be as sustainable as possible within our processes, therefore (and for the world), we have decided to take advantage of stocks of previous years of years. Equally beautiful, equally valid and equally size as those of 2022.
So if you come to our stores you may touch a bag with this year's design or from previous years. What will be will be? ;)