Caravan Made, wheel snacks

We inaugurate our new space people Natura, a place where we interviewed people who think, act and move differently. We open the section with Caravan Made, a restaurant on wheels driving Silvia Cabra and Javi Ruz. They wanted to have a restaurant and travel world, so they joined both ideas in one. How did the idea occur to you? Being honest, on the march. It is true that for a while we had in mind to mount an alternative gastronomic concept to what we already have in our country. The idea of ​​Food Truck itself does not know how it arose, but it is probably influenced by the season that Silvia spent in Berlin and California, visiting her sister who lived in Santa Barbara. The decisive moment was any Monday of November, Javi had a day off (of his chef work) and it occurred to him to look at old caravans. When he saw the trigano of the 70s he was love at first sight, as he saw it, he bought it. At that time we did not have how to transport it or to keep it, but sometimes things are better not to think. In a few weeks he left the job and went on to restore it with his own hands. And at home, did you tell you things like "are you crazy"? Our families are already accustomed to our Freaks ideas, but when they saw that the thing was seriously supported us from the first moment. Do you think the concept of Food Truck will be more and more in Spain? We believe that many food trucks will come out, but from there we regulate our activity we see it quite complicated. Culturally our country is not prepared for this, restaurants have a lot of weight in society and they believe we are direct competition. Hh_caravan_made_firadelaterra-3   How did people have the project? Very good, we wanted to be faithful betting on our personality. We do not want to deceive anyone and believe that we are knowing how to convey love for what we do and the passion we dedicate. What places would you like to get with Caravane Made? Wherever, as long as there are good people and good energy. We have gotten into this to be happy. How do you see your future, what projects do you have in mind? We do not think about the future, we think about the here and now, tomorrow we do not know where we will be. But you never know, we are going to go around the world, we would love it. Well, before saying goodbye, you have to answer the Test People Natura. 1. What animal would you like to reincarnate and why? Well, we both agree that in a bird, for freedom and to see world. 2. A book that marked you Silvia: The Plaça del Diamant de Mercè Rodoreda. Javi: The power of Now 3. A movie you would recommend yes or yes: A fairly recent one with which we went with a positive feeling when we left the cinema: The secret Life of Walter Mitty. 4. A website you like Freunde von Freunden 5. And, finally, your favorite dish. The paella of the Iaia. Thank you very much, Caravan Made, hopefully you will continue to shoot a long time and that you will go on wheels, see you on the road! Hh_caravan_made_firadelaterra-5   The photographs are from:
Héctor Hernández: