

Someone once said that, if all the Chinese agreed and kicked at the ground at the same time, the rest of the world was going to tremble. But the truth is that it is not necessary for many people to act simultaneously so that their action is disseminated. Human actions are like fire in a forest: they propagate unstoppably.

No matter what we do to remedy it: someone sneezes and that's it, we have a virus circulating. And a flu arrives, and we all pass through it once a year. And yes, something get medications, masks, vaccines; But little, really. Because people tend to be together, with each other, and what we are and we have extends even if we don't want. Even if we don't even know. Maybe our sneeze has caused a cold in the neighbor with which we have coincided in the elevator. Or maybe we have smiled, we have wished him a good day or we have helped him with the purchase bags, and that has also been infected.

Everything we do or say influences the people we have; And sometimes even in people we don't even know. That is fantastic, and we can take advantage of it to give what we have, and to receive what others have. Write, for example, about some topic that is worth knowing. And do it circular: how many books, Facebook or tweet states have changed lives ...

Be open to contagion, then. Spread and let yourself be infected. Leave a mark.