We say no

Decimos NO
Decimos NO
Decimos NO
Decimos NO
The "Eivissa diu no" movement (Ibiza says no) has formed a while ago with the aim of stopping the oil prospects that have begun in the Mediterranean by Cairn Energy, with the approval of the Government of Spain. As we can read on their Facebook page, “this group is a movement of people who love Ibiza and who want to return a part of the love that the island has given us. To do this we will stop the oil prospects in the Mediterranean gathering the maximum allegations of Alianza Mar Blava signed. For this we undress, yes, to show our rejection and our love to an island that has given us so much, that has made us happy. This is our contribution to return the great debt we have with it. ” Thousands of signatures have been collected throughout Spain against oil prospects, and a shocking and original campaign has been launched: hundreds of people have undressed and photographed with an opposite message to these prospects. The phenomenon has extended rapidly, to the point that similar associations have been created: Eivissa anti oil, Valencian Community Diu No, Balears I have not ... also in Castellón, Alicante, Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera have grouped followers of the movement. Success in social networks is total. Ibiza 2   On Saturday, February 22, at 4:00 p.m., a demonstration of this “blue tide” in King (Ibiza) will be held, against oil prospects and in favor of life in all seas. From Natura We want to echo this movement and support it totally, without reservations. Marine life is one of the great treasures of the Earth, and we must avoid with all our strength that someone puts it in danger. Natura Diu No. Natura says No.