Women dance to their own rhythm

Las mujeres bailamos a nuestro propio ritmo
Las mujeres bailamos a nuestro propio ritmo
Las mujeres bailamos a nuestro propio ritmo
Las mujeres bailamos a nuestro propio ritmo

Every March 8th we celebrate International Women's Day. A day that is not just a date on the calendar, but a reminder of the fight for equality, recognition and visibility of women's rights around the world. It is an opportunity to celebrate the essence of being a woman in all its forms, embrace our stories and unite to achieve common rights.

Being a woman doesn't mean fitting into a mold, following expectations or meeting established standards. Being a woman is being free. Free to make your own decisions, free to choose your own paths, to shine and dance to your own rhythm. Every woman is a world, with her own dreams, goals and ways of seeing life.


There is no one way to be a woman. There are no rules that dictate who we should be, how we should dress, or who we should become. The true essence is authenticity, in the ability of each of us to define who we are, without fear or limitations.


A gift from us to us

On a day like today, we want to start a chain of gifts. As you probably know, Natura collaborates with women's cancer research through the Solidarity Scarf . That's why we think it's the ideal occasion to encourage you to be part of this project: give a Solidarity Scarf to another woman and help her continue this chain of solidarity. To join all our forces and make this gesture go even further.

So, to all women: let's keep breaking barriers, let's keep being who we want to be and shining at our own pace.

*Listen to the playlist we have prepared for this occasion, with great songs by women.