International Women's Day

Día Internacional de la Mujer
Día Internacional de la Mujer
Día Internacional de la Mujer
Día Internacional de la Mujer

International Women's Women's Day or Women's Day commemorates the struggle of women for their participation, in the foot of equality with men, in society and in their full development as a person. It is celebrated on March 8. It is a national holiday in some countries.

In the words of Ban Kion, UN Secretary General: «The countries in which there is more gender equality experience greater economic growth. Companies that have more women women achieve better yields. The peace agreements that include women are more durable. The parliaments in which there are more women approve more laws on key social issues such as health, education, the fight against discrimination and maintenance of children. The evidence leaves no doubt: the woman's equality involves progress for all. "

We can think that this is an issue that does not go with us. We can convince ourselves that the discrimination of women is something that happens in other countries, far, in the Third World. We can believe that it does not affect us. And yet, the European Union has denounced today that 62 million European have been victims of gender violence. We also know that women's salaries are too many times lower than those of men, we know about the few facilities offered by many "civilized" governments so that women can reconcile motherhood with their working life. We know of judicial sentences in which he accuses women sexually attacked of "provoking" with their clothing. We know about respect, despising comments, intimidating looks ...

It concerns us, of course it concerns us. To all, men and women. And we must work to make gender equality soon a fact worldwide. In Natura We want to contribute our grain of sand. And we do it smiling, as we like to do all things. But strongly, with determination, so that soon the celebration of this day is necessary. Happy Women's Day.