Yesterday, September 21, was World Peace Day and in Natura We decided to mark a challenge: fill our stores with pigeons carriers of peace messages.
Natura New Malaga[/caption]
The action we raised was that people approach one of our stores, take a dove of peace (paper), write their message and place it in the place of the store they liked the most. And, we get it!
[Captation Id = "Attachment_2251" Align = "Alignleft" Width = "710"]
Natura Fuengirola[/caption]
Some messages were the most original, and others even international, such as those of airports.
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Natura T2 (BCN)[/caption]
[CAPTION ID = "Attachment_2229" Align = "Alignleft" Width = "710"]
Natura Travessera (BCN)[/caption]
In offices we did not want to be on the sidelines and decided to give the opportunity to participate to colleagues and people in the neighborhood.

[Captation id = "Attachment_2228" Align = "Alignleft" Width = "169"]
Natura Velázquez (Madrid)[/caption]
[Captation Id = "Attachment_2236" Align = "Alignleft" Width = "222"]
Natura Postas (Madrid)[/caption]
[Captation Id = "Attachment_2233" Align = "Alignleft" Width = "169"]
Natura Illa (BCN)[/caption]
An incredible unity and hope atmosphere was created, thank you all for participating!