It seemed that with the digital boom (tablets, mobiles and computers) the mythical paper agendas would go to the background but there are still many who the ball and paper make us better remember what we have to do. There are studies that show that the act of writing on paper helps us focus, retain information and organize mentally. Are you from the daily lists of tasks for crossing out? Do you review your paper schedule breakfast to plan your day? Attentive, today we explain what kind of products exist to organize and which one that probably best fits you.
We start!
Find your perfect agenda (Whether annual, school, day per page, weekly view ...).
As always, for tastes colors. In Natura, part of the team prefers school agendas (although we are not studying), others annual but during the sheet. On the other hand, others need to see the week with a simple look ... Natura You will find different models, formats and even sizes according to your tastes and needs.
Planning is power! So find Your best tool To plan.
Annual agendas Natura
The annual agendas have a duration of one year: from the beginning (January 1) until the end of the year (December 31). These types of agendas are designed for people who are no longer studying and need to continue organizing their day to day: commercial or business, working people, mothers and father with children, women entrepreneurs ... The days of the annual agendas can be distributed from Different way according to the model: day per page, two days page (if you need a lot of space to write down your daily commitments or tasks) and weekly schedule (to have a more complete and detailed vision of your weekly appointments).

School agendas Natura
As the name implies, school agendas are designed for people who are studying. Therefore, these types of agendas begin in August and end in September. The days of the agendas for students can be distributed in several ways: day view (where every day it has its exclusive sheet to write down duties, tasks ...) or week view where the distribution of 7 days a week are in 2 sheets ( Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the left sheet and Thursday to Sunday on the right sheet).

Planners or planners
The planners do not have the marked dates so they are "agendas" that can last more than a year. They are designed for those people who do not use an agenda faithful and periodically since it allows you to not lose pages even if you do not write days. The main function of a planner is to prepare, plan or project all the events you have. They are useful to write down project delivery dates, exam dates, medical appointments ... and it seems that they work great for preparing oppositions.