Today we compare the story of an artist who decided to live in a slower tempo, less revolutions and create his own world within the world. She was Tasha Tudor, daughter of a naval architect named William Starling Burges and a recognized portrait painter, Rosamund Tudor.
She was one of the most recognized children's illustrators in the United States and around the world but not only her writing was the one that made her famous but her way of living that many considered eccentric. Because? He decided to live in another tempo. He lived in a huge farm without electricity, he wore with clothes of the nineteenth century (to be exact of 1800-1842) because at that time his life was based. That nostalgia led her to create her own way of life, her own universe, from which all the generations that happened have been proud. His adorable house in Marlboro, Vermont (baptized "Corgi Cottage" in honor of his favorite dog race, the Corgi) was built by his son Seth taking as inspiration the home of some friends near the illustrator. Seth still lives with her family in that house that is currently also a museum. Tasha developed a self -sufficient lifestyle of the s. XIX -he said, spun, wove, picked up eggs, milked goats ...-, he put so much dedication cultivating the garden that colored his day to day as in his thorough watercolors; He wore long dresses with aprons, jerseys woven by her, handkerchiefs in his hair ... and avoided shoes whenever he could. And, meanwhile, he dedicated himself to his greatest passion: art.

The simplicity of a Boston girl who hit everyone, almost making it seem to that will take away his good times.
It was considered as what preserved the traditions that were forgotten in the past, in their stories, in their illustrations and in their lifestyle. In this way he raised his children, within a bubble where they lived a self -sufficient life for more than a hundred years ago where she sowed, wove, spun, cultivated, reflecting all her passion in her day to day, like the shadow of her hands huting On a blank background, like a thorough watercolor where a girl plays between snow.
What is it like to devote yourself to a passion as golden as naive art? No more incredible than to live within the stories you have created with your own hands, create your own golden world where despite the horrors that exist in the present of which you are part, you can love everything that surrounds you and at the end of Each day sit on your favorite sofa, sigh and exclaim how beautiful the world is.
And so he lived until the last of his days, doing everything he always dreamed of his own hands, he lived ninety -two long spring. The majority of the portraits we can find of it are of its last years, with its apron to paintings and baref .
His illustration focused mostly on thorough watercolor works in which he reflected a forgotten reality, lost as in time. Green meadows, low houses with beautiful gardens, the day -to -day life of the people of yesteryear and their own, still lifes, animals, scenes of stories and legends and everyday situations, so strange for the modern citizen.
I invite you to know their official website
Tasha Tudor and Family, where his family has been in charge of collecting his biography, his work and fragments of his personal life in a charming and emotional file. Prepare a good cup of tea, they are waiting for a beautiful time trip.