The heart brain

El cerebro del corazón
El cerebro del corazón
El cerebro del corazón
El cerebro del corazón

It seems to be, according to some scientific studies, that the heart has a brain. It has been discovered that the heart contains an independent and well -developed nervous system, with tens of thousands of neurons and a large network of neurotransmitters. The heart sends the brain more information than you receive from it. The heart, therefore, can influence our perception of reality and, consequently, in our reactions.

We usually tend to identify the rational with the brain and the emotional with the heart. Reason against emotion, seems to be one of the great conflicts of the human being. And for some strange reason, the heart is usually discredited. The emotional is associated with the lack of maturity. It seems that people who want to be something in life should "use the head" and forget about the "betrayals" of the heart. Well, it's over. Because the heart, now we know, has a brain.

And that is great news. Because it means that, when making decisions that significantly affect our life, we have two great allies inside us: the heart and brain, reason and emotion. It is not always easy for them to agree, but they are not usually as far as we believe. A advice: in doubt, let yourself be guided by emotions. Never make a decision that goes radically against them. Because emotions also think. Listen to your reasons.