The Treasury of Time

El tesoro del tiempo
El tesoro del tiempo
El tesoro del tiempo
El tesoro del tiempo

We are all clear that life is short, that we do not know how long it will last, and that is why we must make the most of it, take out all the possible juice. But it gives the impression that many times we have not finished understanding the message well.

We see it daily: traffic jams in the big cities, hurry drivers who sound the horn; Executives who run through the halls of their company, which eat in 15 minutes, who arrive home entry the night, all to earn more money; fathers and mothers who almost drag their children down the street, because they are late somewhere. And unfortunately, we not only see it, but with some frequency we are the desperate driver, the stressed worker, the altered parent. Take advantage of time, is this really? Or rather the opposite?

Time is the great treasure of our life, much greater and more important than any other that can occur to us. And if what we want is to be happy, then let's use time for what makes us happy. Logically, we will have obligations to meet and needs to cover; But neither are so many that do not allow us, every day, take our time. Dedicate it to ours: our loved ones, our hobbies, our pleasures. Dedicate it, sometimes, to do nothing: learn to get bored to ease, that is a great challenge. Great ideas arise from boredom.

Enjoy our time, use it for our joy and everyone's. This will remain safely our treasure.