The value x

El valor X
El valor X
El valor X
El valor X

It is said that the best business in the world would be to buy someone for what it is worth and sell it for what you think is worth. Now aside the fact that sometimes the ego and ignorance make us believe better than we are, I can think of several questions: how much is a person worth? Are some people worth more than others? What depends on the value of a person?

It is impossible to quantify the value of a human being, it is clear. There is no currency or ticket or object that can be compared. Likewise, the comparison between different people, scoring them according to their value, seems ridiculous and meaningless. Because each of us, being the same, is also completely different from others. Each person therefore has their own value; And this value is not interchangeable with that of other people.

Thus, each person has a value. Let's call it X. And what does it depend on that X is greater or less? I'm going to tell you what does not depend on. It does not depend on your money. It does not depend on the work you have, or whether or not you have work. It does not depend on your family or your friends. It does not depend on your marital status. And above all, it does not depend on whether you have a partner or not, or who your partner is. They can be fine for a song, but delete phrases such as "I can't live without you" or "Without you I am nothing." Of course you are something, of course you are someone. You have a value for yourself, for yourself, for being you. An X value solves the equation, and finds out how much your x is worth, and what you can do to increase its value. A value that, from entry, is already huge. That's for sure.