Is there luck?

¿Existe la suerte?
¿Existe la suerte?
¿Existe la suerte?
¿Existe la suerte?

New York (EP) .- A homeless has received compensation of 1.9 million dollars after a jury was pronounced in favor of man receiving compensation from the Transit Authority of New York City, since One foot had fractured during an accident in the subway.

Robert Obey's lawyer has indicated that his client "could not remember how he ended on the subway tracks" at the 33rd Street station in Midtown in 2006. Obey has a history of mental illness, according to Daily News.

Some of the aggravating ones that allowed him to win the cause, was that the train driver waited until they stopped at the next station to report the incident.

So far the news that the agency counts. But this little story gives rise to reflect. How had this man come to become a homeless? Everything we say about it is pure speculation, but it is not difficult to imagine a cluster of unfortunate circumstances that were added for years (family problems, labor problems, personal problems) until it causes our protagonist to be forced to live on the street. We would all say that he is a man without luck in life.

Until one day, our man has an accident in the subway, he falls to the tracks, a foot is fractured. And to make matters worse, the driver does not inform his situation until he is at the next station. Apparently, even more luck yet. But suddenly, bad luck becomes good luck when a jury in New York decides that the homeless deserves millionaire compensation. We would all say now that he is a lucky man in life.

Good luck, bad luck. Is there really luck? In any case, there is or not, it may be good that we remember a phrase: 10% of your life is what happens to you; 90% is your attitude towards what happens to you. If we apply this, maybe luck ceases to exist, or simply does not matter.