How to choose an aromatic candle: practical tips to succeed

Turning candles and lamps has been considered very old times as an exterior test of joy, and knowing how to choose an aromatic candle is essential for that joy. and also through them the respect for certain distinguished people was manifested. So he got in front of some Magistrates Romans among other distinction badges a table in which there was a book and like two Candeleros With two candles lit. The use of candles or Cirios In religious ceremonies it is one of the most remote antiquity. We know that pagans were used torches In their sacrifices, above all, in the celebration of the mysteries of Ceres and that they put it on in front of the statues of their gods. How to choose an aromatic candle Some believe that in imitation of this pagan ceremony the candles in the Church were introduced. Others argue that the first Christians took this use of the Jews. However, it seems that the origin or introduction of candles should not be sought in each other, but in the Christianity same. It is well known that the first faithful cannot meet but in hidden and underground places would be obliged to use torches and lights for the celebration of the mysteries of their religion and when they could then build altars and temples also needed them because they were built so that they barely let the light in the purpose of inspiring more respect and veneration through darkness. This seems without the most natural origin of the introduction of candles in the Church. And these, which were initially in necessity, became an ornament over time and sometimes part of mysterious and symbolic ceremonies. How to choose an aromatic candle

Summarizing, the best to know how to choose an aromatic candle is:

In another time, the candles turned on on the altar were not put on, but on some timber or tables that crossed thesanctuary or the chorus. In very ancient times, candles or smell candles were also used, such as those served in the baptism of Clodoveo. How to choose an aromatic candle The fifteen candles that are put on Holy lectern And they are going out successively, they represent the twelve Apostles and the two Marias and the highest to the Virgin who, for never having lost the faith of the future resurrection of her son, never goes out.1 In ancient France candles made with the wax of the bees. In the Middle Ages in Asia Animal fat -based candles were used (tallow). Legend has it that from this moment a phrase that is used today began to be made popular: "It is a recipe for pressure: candle." In the mid -18th century, they began to be manufactured with a preparation based on paraffin, stearic acid (fatty solid acid) and sometimes wax of bees,Animal oils hydrogenated or other fatty materials. How to choose an aromatic candle The oldest known way to manufacture candles is the suspension of the candle (Velita, VELAZA either Fushion) In a container where frozen wax (or fat) is housed. The candle of the container is removed and is expected until it melts when it is heated. This process is repeated several times on the same candle until the sought thickness is obtained. Some handmade candles are still manufactured in this way, although most of them are manufactured by molds and machinery in the factories. How to choose an aromatic candle