

The Apteryx, much better known as Kiwi, is an animal that lives only in New Zealand. The Kiwi is a non -flying bird, the approximate size of a chicken. It is a bird that, paradoxically, is very adapted to terrestrial life. Its plumage is composed of soft bristles that do not become feathers; It has a core, as well as nostrils in the peak, unlike most birds; And it is also omnivorous. A bird, in short, that does not look like a bird.

As it seems, the current characteristics of the Kiwi are due to evolutionary issues produced to the ecosystem so particular in which they have lived. In New Zealand, before the arrival of man (around 1300), the only mammals were bats. The lack of natural predators did with the centuries that, given the null need to fly to flee them, their wings are practically invisible and completely useless for their primitive function.

We should ask ourselves if over time we can also be becoming little by little in Kiwis. It is good to be prudent when the situation requires it, but there is also in life occasions to dare, to risk, to lose shyness. These are moments to use wings, to fly. And it is necessary to practice the flight frequently, it is not going to be that, due to lack of use, our wings are finally unusable, and we end up being birds that do not know how to fly. Do we want that?