The last time

La última vez
La última vez
La última vez
La última vez

Do you remember the first time you saw the sea? Do you remember the first time you saw the love of your life? Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember the birth of your first child? Do you remember the first time you traveled by plane, the first time you stepped on the snow, the first time you contemplated a dawn, the first time you wrote a poem? It is true that, sometimes, the first times they are not as we had imagined, but they almost always become, for better or worse, something unforgettable.

The first times they usually go associated with emotion, passion. Something that, unfortunately, does not usually happen when that emotional event begins to be repeated. How many kisses, hugs, landscapes or wonderful trips have become pure routine for us; And how sad it happens, because the beauty you dwell in those facts, people or places is the same as the first time. That should not happen. If we knew that the kiss we are going to give our partner will be the last one, surely everything would change.

And maybe that is the secret. Do everything as if it were the last time we can do it. Put the same passion, the same emotion as if it were the last time; Because, in addition, there is always a possibility that it really is. Live the little details of the day with the maximum possible intensity: be aware of what we are doing, palate it, giving importance to everything, because everything has it. Take a walk as if it were the last. Or make the purchase. Or listen to music. Or write an article. Like it was the first time. As if it were the last time.