Five books that smell like summer

Cuatro libros que huelen a verano
Cuatro libros que huelen a verano
Cuatro libros que huelen a verano
Cuatro libros que huelen a verano
Imagine being on vacation and being able to enjoy your free time. Whether on the beach, in the mountains or anywhere you can escape from reality and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of your routine. In any of these situations, A book can be your best companion. A companion who makes us forget about everything (even if it's just for a little while).

We are looking forward to those days when worries disappear and the only thing we worry about is choosing the book we will get hooked on. With them, we can discover the world from anywhere. They become lessons that change the vision we have about things in life.
There is nothing better than getting lost in letters. Therefore, today we bring you a list of books that will make you spend a different summer and that will become part of your summer adventures. You won't be able to separate yourself from them!

1. The Subtle Art of Giving a Shit (Almost Everything) by Mark Manson
This international bestseller will be your best ally if you want to start giving a better version of yourself. Of course, avoiding the clichés that say that to be happy you have to be positive all the time. Mark Manson gives the keys to being safer and happier people by controlling adversity. The author is responsible for correcting the expectations we have about ourselves and the world.

2. MY ISLAND , by Elísabet Benavent
In life, it is very important to pursue our dreams. Elísabet Benavent did not want to miss the opportunity to talk about the consequences that changes in our lives produce when we want to achieve our goals.
Maggie is a simple girl who lives on a Mediterranean island away from the big city. But the arrival of a person during the summer changes the plans of the protagonist of this romantic novel. If you are a fan of this type of novels, without a doubt My Island will be your great bet for the summer.

3. How to stop brainstorming and enjoy life , by Giulio Cesare Giacobbe
Summer is a great time to start trying new things, like yoga or Buddhist techniques to cope with the world. This provocative title teaches you that "mind wank" is thinking about things that have no relation to reality. Thoughts caused by imaginary problems, which lead us to eat the coconut just because.
So that you can focus on the problems that are really important, Giacobbe compiles a series of techniques that will make your thoughts stop playing tricks on you and start giving importance to what is truly worth it.

4. The Monk and the Millionaire , by Vibhor Kumar Singh
We have always been told that happiness is the greatest goal we should aspire to in life. But this book will make your vision of what happiness really is change completely. This story talks about true happiness, which is found in the balance between the mind and the heart.
The protagonists of this story are a millionaire who, despite having much more than he needs, is not happy and a monk who, despite leading a very spiritual life, curiously, has not quite found his place in the world either. The two characters from such different worlds will learn that neither the total renunciation of the mundane nor the honors of earthly power are necessary to enjoy the greatest human desire: happiness.

5. Frida Kahlo, a biography , by María Hesse
For those who are fans of biographies, a perfect option is the life of Frida Kahlo and her story . Inspired by the experiences of the iconic Mexican painter, this book offers an illustrated tour of her life and work.
Frida Kahlo became an artist full of life, always being faithful to her personality. He always wanted to experience both misfortunes and joys with intensity. His painting is suffering, but also celebration and color. If you want to discover more about his life, this book will open your mind and make you see life more freely than ever.