Do you wear your ears?

¿Llevas las orejas puestas?
¿Llevas las orejas puestas?
¿Llevas las orejas puestas?
¿Llevas las orejas puestas?

The earth sounds when it turns, I swear: you just have to pay attention, walk with your ears well open. And who says his ears, says his eyes, hands, nose, tongue. Life enters us through colors, aromas, kisses, words. To every second: abrobotones. Let's prepare the body, we wake up the senses. If not, life evaporates.

It is not that it is wrong to wear caps in the ears at night, because it is also necessary to learn to listen to silence. It is not that you cannot go down the street with headphones, because music is sometimes the best of conversations. It is about activating the sensory radar, because the best always happens to our side if we are willing to capture it.

What I intend to say is that life is an adventure; And like every adventure, it entails risks. We can burst the eardrums, burn our eyelashes, catch our fingers ... Even so, I think it is worth risk, that life always saves us if we want. So, for my part, I promise not to leave a house day without having connected the world around me. And you? Do you wear your ears?