The changes that are coming

Los cambios que se avecinan
Los cambios que se avecinan
Los cambios que se avecinan
Los cambios que se avecinan
The world is a constantly changing place. Thats nothing new. What seems novel is the rhythm with which these changes are coming. In a article Published in El País by Alicia Rivera, the journalist summarizes some of the threats that according to scientists seem that the world will suffer in the coming years. One of the statements that have caught our attention is that of scientist Manuel Castro that points out: “We must bear in mind that it has been set, the limit of approximately two degrees of increase, since the pre -industrial time, at most not Overcoming to avoid the worst consequences, and in the middle of the century we will be very close to those two degrees ”that is, global warming is a fact, not a speculation. And worst of all, the environmental cost, in some provinces of Spain, will be between 0.5% and 3% of GDP. However, if we talk about the continents, each will have a different "luck". For example, in Europe they predict that the risk of floods will increase. In Latin America, the loss of tropical forests will accelerate. North America will increase heat waves. Africa, it will acumeulate an important cultable land decrease and, finally, Asia will reduce the availability of fresh water by 2050. There are many speculations and studies that talk about what state the planet will be in just a few years. Anyway, it is evident that we must take care of the world in which we live, if we do not want all predictions to be fulfilled. Here we leave you a collection of articles in case you want to deepen more. Ah, and don't be timid tell us what you think about the post. Articles of interest: Global warming: no return point in Western Antarctica. What happens now? (The Guardian) Call to weapons: an invitation to go to action against climate change (Rolling Stone) Ice Mini-Estation took Europe in a few months (New Scientist) The 'irreversible' thaw of Antarctica (the world) The Earth: Deep changes in 2050 (El País) The future of our planet depends on 58 people (public square)