
In the Mexican state of Sonora a new rule has just entered into force that prohibits registering in the civil registry to children with "pejorative or denigrant" names, or using those of singers, brands, fictional characters or meaningless names. The objective of the reform is to protect the children from abuse. They cannot put pejorative, discriminatory, infamous, denigrant, meaningless names, that are signs or acronyms or expose the minors to teasing. In addition the new law prohibits 54 names in particular, but their number could be extended (news of RT). It is still curious to read some of the names that have been prohibited: Rambo, Pocohontas, Batman, Terminator, Robocop, Rocky, Harry Potter, James Bond, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Email, Lady Di, Michelín, Rolling Stone, Indian , Spinach, Hitler, Aceituno, Burger King, scrotum, caesarean section, transit, illuminated, circumcision, pubis, penis, guy, bonus ... It is important to point out that all prohibited names had already been used by some parents to register their children . The matter is more important than it may seem at first glance. Our names are part of who we are. Among all the characteristics that define us as people, the name is not one of the minors and, of course, the most immediate. When we think of someone, the association between face and name is the first thing that comes to mind. There are even those who say that being is to be appointed, that the real moment of a creation comes to name the created, that there is no what cannot be named. In any case, the choice of a name is no nonsense. And above the laughter that can initially cause some of the names that we have been able to read, we must also think that a name is a large part of someone's identity. Banalize it in this way is a way to reduce it, when not to cancel it. In addition, of course, of the burden that can mean for a person the fact of having a risible or ridiculous name. One last consideration. We are probably not thinking of putting these names on our children, but maybe we are using too often, by addressing others, appellants, diminutive or motes that can be annoying or unpleasant, or that they may simply not like who receives them. It will be good that we think about it. Because we all have the right to choose a name.