Panda Raid

Panda Raid
Panda Raid
Panda Raid
Panda Raid

Between March 8 and 15, the 6th edition of the Panda Raid 2014 was celebrated. The Panda Raid is a journey worthy of great Raids, but first of all it is a human experience. The more than 140 registered teams have had to cover an in -line 7 -day itinerary, divided into daily stages on the geography of Morocco, based on a route marked by the organization, tied to a mileage, the orientation and different passage controls , advancing, stage after stage, on different landscapes and land that have tested the resistance of the pandas and the participants themselves. The only "technological" help allowed for navigation is a compass. And of course, and as the name implies, the raid must be done aboard a panda.

Once again, and as every year, good atmosphere and camaraderie among the participants has been the predominant note of this Raid. Probably the best moments of the race arrived at night, when, after the hardness of the route, after having swallowed dust and sand, after having crossed puddles, the participants got together in the tent for dinner quietly, commenting on the details of The day and make new friends. It is undoubtedly the greatest achievement of all participants in the Panda Raid: the strengthening of human relations with colleagues who will already be forever.

Natura He has sponsored on this occasion to car 103, with a team formed by Marc Aguadé and Jordi Aguadé. Our team reached the goal in the 23rd position. It has been for us a pleasure to contribute our grain of sand to this great event, in which we hope to continue participating in later editions.