At the end of this month of November it is expected that the XIX Prize will be failed Natura, which is about to turn 20. This award will be given to the entity or entities that have presented their cooperation and developmental projects and that, at the discretion of the jury (composed of professionals from different agencies, experts in the evaluation of projects), better contribute to the defense of the nature and humanitarian aid.
The award Natura It is another consequence of our business philosophy. From the first year we have felt the need to share something of the benefit obtained with the people who need it most. That is why the award has been growing, from € 6,000 that were initially awarded to € 175,000 that were awarded in 2010 (for this year, the prize is endowed with € 80,000). We also feel that you, the clients and friends of Natura, you want it to be so. Natura It is more than a set of stores: it is a way of understanding human life and relationships. Therefore, we know that you take active in the project.
It is said, and it is very true, that it is better to give than to receive. This post would have no end if we had to tell you the innumerable anecdotes, stories and relevant changes that have occurred in our lives through the awards Natura. We are not the same as before. We have changed when checking the transformative will of so many people and organizations. We have changed by living in the first person, thanks to the trips that we have been able to make to the countries where projects, joy, heat and gratitude of beneficiaries have been launched. And to live, above all, his generosity. Their generosity, yes: because they are able to share what is necessary.
And we have changed, finally, seeing the answer that year after year has raised our concern to help in you, clients and friends. Know that you are behind Natura, supporting and helping to help, it is the biggest stimulus we can have to continue calling the prize Natura. You are the true architects, because it is only possible thanks to your trust in us. Be very aware: each purchase in Natura It is a new and essential sand grain so that things go a little better. Thank you.