We received news from one of the two winners of the award Natura XXVI after 6 months of activity with its support project to the first Protected Marfil Coast area. From the territory they tell us several actions that have been launched thanks to the donation of the award Natura.
We tell you!
1. Marine turtles protection project with eco -man -selection and formation
Twenty -five beach vigilantes (Dos de Roc, Dos de Dawa, six from the Aldea de ManiDe, two of the villages of Pitiké, Kablaké, Takoro and Menolé participate in the protection of sea turtles during night patrols. They received the complete necessary equipment For work, which included camping stores, flashlights, batteries, showers, boots and mobile phones, notes, etc.
The project is greatly contributing to the legislation that prohibits the poaching of sea turtles and their eggs in all coastal villages in the area (recently created protected marine area) and in the fishing port of Grand Béreby.

Ecoguarda in its night surveillance.

EcoGuardas Group.
2. Protection of all nursing females and nests:
Eight very simple nurseries have been built with local materials, near ROC, Dawa, Mani, Pitiké, Takoro, Ouro, Boupé and Menolé, to facilitate the surveillance of nests. The nurseries are visited every morning and every afternoon by the project team. The objective of these nurseries is to protect the nests placed in inappropriate positions and contribute to the awareness of local communities, tourists and visitors.
Turtle hatchery.
3. Surveillance of the near fishing port of Grand Béréby by the Naval Police.
Currently there are 25 turtle wardrobe, 5 guitar fish vigilantes, 6 forest guards, 6 maritime police officers and a fully equipped patrol boat to monitor the AMP marine part. In addition, they work in close collaboration with the local authorities responsible for enforcing the law: Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Water and Forests, Maritime Police. The daily controls in the landing places to supervise the captures of fish and sea turtles allowed the release of: - 08 green turtle youth in Dawa - 3 adult golfin turtles and 03 youth of green turtle in man4. Craft
A group of about 6 people who meet every week has formed and they make bracelets, necklaces, etc. To sell them to tourists. If it has been possible to completely take a formation and implementation of several groups of women from the villages to obtain marine salt evaporating the water with the help of the sun and wind instead of boiling it with the mangrove firewood.5. Guided tourist visits
Groups of tourists have been organized to see the setting and birth of turtles. Several local tourist agencies now operate in Grand-Béréby, attracted by the growing reputation of the area as tourist attraction. Another example of the importance that Grand Berby is acquiring as a tourist area is that the people of Mani Béréby (pioneer in the protection of sea turtles) was chosen by the Ministry of Tourism as the best tourist town in Costa de Ivory, and as such is a candidate to win an international award. In addition, Grand-Béréby has also been selected to participate in an international competition to designate the most beautiful bays in the world.

Ecotourism activities.
We will continue in contact with the team that is in Ivory Coast to continue updating us. Happy to see how winning projects get results!