Get on the bike!

Súbete a la bici!
Súbete a la bici!
Súbete a la bici!
Súbete a la bici!
If you would like to live in a cleaner city and among your pending purposes are to exercise and be more eco friendly, Now you are going to have a good reason to remove the dust from your bike and leave the car or motorcycle in the garage, with our campaign go to the bike! From October 28 to April 19 - World Bicycle Day - You can enjoy a 20% discount on all our products if you come with your bike to different stores Natura that participate in this eco -inerant campaign. The complete calendar of stores and days you can download it below so you can know what day and what store you can take advantage of of this magnificent discount! calendar-bicis-final How will it work:
  1. Enter with your bike in the store that day celebrates the campaign

  2. Greet our staff in cash so that they give you the discount coupon. This coupon will be valid for that day and that specific store and can only be used once.

  3. Park your bike out of the store and enter to enjoy your discount!

  The first store Natura that will participate in this initiative will be that of the Consell de Cent No. 304 street in Barcelona during the next Friday, October 28!   In Natura We believe that small gestures can change the world and that we can all contribute our grain of sand. That's why we are looking forward to seeing everyone pedaling like crazy for your city :)   Capture-of-Papalla-2016-10-24-16-42-54    

*This promotion is not cumulative to other discounts.