A question that, if you have not yet asked yourself, you should ask yourself is: Do I practice gratitude in my day to day? Gratitude is much more than thanking our neighbor when the door opens or a friend when he does us a favor. Gratitude is a way of living. It is living thanking everything you have in your life, from a sunset to thanking that one is alive. And you ask yourself why it is important to live in constant gratitude. Well, thank you connects to an energy of abundance that gives us well -being. People who appreciate are usually more optimistic, be well connected to their environment and live their lives with more harmony.
Some exercises you can carry out to work your gratitude:
1. Always at hand a diary of gratitude in which, at the end or at the beginning of the day, you can write down what you are grateful for that day. Think of people or experiences that have had a positive impact on you during the day. We recommend you Journal of gratitude Natura, available in two sizes.
2. Try to call or send an email every day to a person to thank for something positive for you.
3. If there is any moment that you feel overwhelmed by your health, try to thank for the abilities you still have.
Live a full life and remember how lucky you are.