Work, work, work

Trabajar, trabajar, trabajar
Trabajar, trabajar, trabajar
Trabajar, trabajar, trabajar
Trabajar, trabajar, trabajar

From now on, in France it will be forbidden to send work mails outside the workday. The measure is born from an agreement between two great unions and two employers of the Technical Advice, Engineering, Computer Services, Human Resources and Consulting sector. The agreement reached between two major unions, the Democratic French Confederation of Labor (CFDT) and the French Confederation of Management Pictures (CFE-CGC), and two employers of the aforementioned sectors, aims to try to end the endless days from the workers.

The arrival of smartphones has meant a positive change in many aspects, but has also allowed interference in our private life of our working life, something that the French authorities want to avoid. Workers must turn off the mobile and work computer for eleven hours, and will have the right to ignore the emails that are sent outside office hours. For their part, companies will have the obligation to ensure that this measure is fulfilled.

Great news. We believe distant those times when workers were exploited many hours for seven days a week for minimum wages and in subhuman conditions. And they are distant, fortunately, even in these times when we seem to go back. But more and more, we find people addicted to work, people who cannot think of anything other than work, people who are unable to dedicate to family, culture, exercise or leisure the time they deserve. They are sad people who, if they also occupy positions of responsibility and have other people in charge, cause in them the same devastating effect.

In these times, and especially in some countries, it is lucky to have a job. And it is important to work well and intensely, even for personal fulfillment. But it is equally important to have priorities clear. Someone said it: nobody on his death bed will regret not having spent more time in the office.