Three wonderful Instagram accounts

Tres maravillosas cuentas de Instagram
Tres maravillosas cuentas de Instagram
Tres maravillosas cuentas de Instagram
Tres maravillosas cuentas de Instagram
When we think of Instagram we think of selfies, attractive people showing their beauty, sunsets, feet on the beach ... and all accompanied by filters and an infinity of hashtags Illegible However, there are thousands of accounts fleeing those clichés and even laugh at them and, most importantly, they provide creative and intelligent content that is worth following. The three accounts that we show you below are an example of this. Of course, there are many more. If you know some do not forget to share them with us. Ugly Belgian Houses Belgium is one of the cribs of European design, but also home to a good number of architects with a more than doubtful taste. In Ugly Belgian Houses They have dedicated themselves to document the buildings and buildings so shocking that they will end up being a trend. 2014-09-01 screen capture at 18.51.32 Oh Hey It's Chaz Chaz Rorick is a Rochester teenager (New York) who since your account It has been done selfies imitating both presidents of the United States and Celebrities of the like Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Eminem and the Dalai Lama. Visit your profile and hallucinate how versatile and chameleonic it can become. 2014-09-01 screen capture at 18.52.19 Cash cats Cats triumph in the networks with their videos. In Cash cats They have it clear and have made the peculiar add cats and topics gangsta A success formula. Cats are Internet masters and also of the low Instagram funds.       2014-09-01 screen capture at 18.52.41