A new friend

Un amigo nuevo
Un amigo nuevo
Un amigo nuevo
Un amigo nuevo

Today we have a proposal for you. It can be something as dangerous as throwing from a bridge, as mysterious and fascinating as a safari, as painful as an operation, as clarifying as an autopsy. Learn to stay with yourself. Find yourself, find out who you are.

It hurts, I guarantee it. And also surprise, because you find things you didn't expect. You discover about yourself, about your shortcomings, much more than you would want. Ded some time of your life to observe you, ask yourself questions about yourself: about your character, your reactions, your limitations, your fears. Ask yourself what you like about your life, and what would you erase. With the passing of the days, you will check how the appearance of the person you see when you look in the mirror changes.

What are you going to get with all this? A new friend, a real friend. The best friend you can have: yourself. It is an endless process, as long as life. But it begins to bear fruit in a short time. First, know. Then, accept yourself, assume who you are and how you are. And then learn to love you. It is impossible to be happy without loving anyone. And it is impossible to love another without loving oneself. So you know: go out there and make friends. But before that, enter yourself and get a new friend, who will be forever.