A ladder to heaven

Una escalera al cielo
Una escalera al cielo
Una escalera al cielo
Una escalera al cielo
More than 4,000 steps, 700 meters high and a ladder that, according to the legend, reaches the sky. Today in our section Natura On the road we talk about HAIKU STIRS, kilometric stairs that surround the north of the island of Maui, from the Haiku Valley to the top of Pu’u Keahi to Kahoe. 046239C5D The first staircase was built in 1942, in the middle of the Pacific War, with the intention of installing a radio station for military purposes at the summit. Years later, those precarious wooden steps, which climbed the hillside, were replaced by a concrete structure. Haiku-escalera Little by little the stairs was losing utility. The Naval Base closed and the station was closed in 1987. Even so, hikers and restless travelers approach the Haiku Stairs because they know that, although it is not the most difficult walk on the island, its views are incredible. On top of Pu’u Keahi to Kahoe You can still see the old antennas that communicated with the Us Navy submarines stationed under the waters of Tokyo Bay. A relic of another era that crowns the end of this ladder to heaven. HAIKU-STairs7-934X