The humanitarian situation in Burkina Faso is more worrying than ever and is one of the most unattended in the world. A Burkinés of every five, that is, 4.7 million people, need humanitarian aid, and around a person in ten, that is, 1.9 million people, have moved in the interior of the country (figures at 31 of December 2022). There are currently more than two million displaced.
In addition, now in August, we are in the period known as Soudure. A moment when food begins to scarce until the harvest that is made in October. They are two hard months that, for many families, are synonymous with not being able to access food. The food security cluster of the Ocha (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) warns that, even with government aid and large NGOs, about two million people will not be able to receive food assistance.
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Photo by Pepe Navarro.[/caption]
Aigua Per Al Sahel, the NGO with which we collaborate in the project Water for water, It calls for the help that is needed and avoid, to the extent of the possible ones, that these two million people do not remain without food. And they tell us:

"Our counterpart to Burkina, Aevs (Association Eau de Vie Sahel), asks us for help for the displaced people who have reached three cities: tree (northern region) and Nanoro and Boura (central west), in total 885 families. It would be about Giving each family 25 kg of cereal to spend this difficult period. Aigua per al Sahel is not a humanitarian aid association. However, due to terrible circumstances, this will be the fourth action to avoid hunger in which we get involved and For which we ask you for help. "If you want to collaborate you can make an entry to the account* of the NGO Aigua Per Al Sahel With the word hunger before September 5. Account number Es34 2100 3372 2822 00073524