It seemed that this moment was never going to come but ... the cold is here! And in Natura We are experts in warm products to say goodbye to the cold without putting the heating (yes, which is impossible to pay due to the energy prices rise). Caps, gloves, blankets, hot water bags, scarves, sweaters, socks ... Everything you can think of to deal with the cold will find it in our stores. Yes, we are quite cold and we have made a selection of our favorite products to face it :)
01. Come with a good sweater
Think of natural and very insulating materials such as wool. So you will say Bye Bye to the cold both at home and in the office. Our Premium sweaters collection It is perfect for it.
02. Not without your hat, gloves and scarf
Yes, these supplements are more for Outdoor that to be at home but they are essential within your product kit for a winter with the cold under control.Novelty: Balaclava
Know what it is? This Basamontañas style hat was popularized in the 70s by figures such as Audrey Hepburn or Jackie Kennedy. It is the perfect complement to the days of very cold since it protects your head, ears and face.
Discover ours buffe collection.

03. Hot water bag for bed and sofa
There are many people who believe that the water bag is from another era, something outdated. No no no. It is the perfect winter accessory. Put it in bed for a few minutes before you put or open it while you are stretched on the couch. It is such a comforting feeling ... almost like taking a good homemade broth.
04. Microwave heating shoes
This product does not have it controlled and it is wonderful. Seed shoes that heat your feet. You just have to put them for a little while in the mycal and ready to give you heat. It is a top product for every person who always has cold feet.
05. Mantas and more blankets at home
UII and our star product of winter and from which we do not separate are the blankets. For one, to share, in light colors, darker colors, with sheep, without ... we have a thousand options.