And we arrive in April. A month where we make a break: the Holy Week break. Many go on vacation and others take advantage to stop and rest. April is a month of purification and trip. Of exotic odors and intense fragrances. This month we propose our selection of aromas Palo Santo, Salvia & incense.

With our new ranges of incenses from India, totally natural and ecological, you will transport you to a new universe of emotions and sensations.
Palo Santo sail

The Palo Santo has a subtle aroma, with a sweet point and a touch to lemon and mint. It helps balance energies and increases positivism.
Anti -stress incense

Incense without marrow made in Nepal with 31 different herbs, created to relieve stress and tensions. It is done by hand following texts of traditional Tibetan medicine. It has been used for centuries in Tibet as a remedy for dizziness and dizziness caused by evil high, as well as for insomnia, stress, muscle pain, etc.
Tied sage 7 chakras