

Contamination is an issue that worries, and every day, in China. In Beijing, the air becomes irrespirable at times, and environmental pollution is such that most days it is not possible to see the sun. And if someone wants to see it, they must do it through giant screens installed for this purpose. One solution, at least, quite curious.

In images that are surprising and worrying at the same time, and due to the very high level of contamination of the Chinese capital, the dawn under a thick gray sky from Tiananmen's square could be seen last Thursday, through commercial giant screens which are usually used to advertise tourist destinations. Along with the images, the screens collect the motto "Air care is everyone's responsibility."

The first reflection is evident: we are destroying the planet from within. It is fine that the rulers of the different countries bombard us with slogans about air care. And it is true that we must all feel responsible. But it is also true that it is difficult to find countries that meet the Kyoto protocol on climate change (some powers have even refused to sign it), and that these breaches are not sanctioned.

The second reflection is what we are becoming. More and more, we are authentic slaves of technology. We are with our friends or family, and we do not show our eyes off the mobile. It seems that we prefer to film life before living it: a birthday, a party, the birth of a son. And now, in Beijing, they go to watch dawn on a television screen. Something is wrong. Let's reflect.