Do you know what the Bindi is?
It is a red symbol that is painted every day on the forehead thousands of Indians and means "the reactivation of our inner energy." The word bindi comes from the Sanskrit Bindu, which means ‘drop’ or ‘point’.
It is painted in the strive since it is where the sixth chakra, the famous third eye, is located. It is the eye that allows us to see things that the other two cannot see. This sixth chakra, called El Ajna Chakra, is a fundamental energy center. In this place is intuition, clairvoyance and instinct.
The "Bindi" capsule are five garments that are inspired by the Hindu tradition and the power of our inner energy. Garments full of floral motifs that refer us to reborn from within.
Bindi vest.
Bindi jacket.
Bindi shirt bullged sleeves.
Bindi Black shirt.
Bindi Black dress.
The new one
Bindi capsule On our website.