Kheterpal Sud He has been a professional percussionist for 20 years. She, better than anyone, is aware of the amount of energy that is destined in each blow when percuting against a box, hype, drum, etc. One day he thought about the amount of energy that had evaporated for so many years of profession, but found a surprising solution not to let it escape.
With the help of a team of engineers created Spark, a device that sounds like a maraca and is at the same time capable of transforming movement into energy. It has three sensors, two outside. The third is in the center and has a magnet that slides up and down through a copper wire bonina that carries a battery. Best of all, if you touch for two minutes it is enough to supply a LED light for an hour.
Spark has many positive readings. It's fun, because you can play with him and create music. It is productive, because while you use it, it generates energy. It is educational, because through it you can explain you can explain how kinetic energy works and raise public awareness about the need for energy saving.
Kheterpal hopes to raise enough money to finish the prototype through the Kickstarter platform. Its objective is to manufacture the product and start distributing it in Kenya. Who knows, in a few years an orchestra may supply electricity to a town. Without a doubt, music has incredible power, let's take advantage of it.
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