

We should be happy. What humanity carries millennia trying to achieve, seems to be achieved: a group of mathematicians claims to have found the formula of eternal love. At last. A dream come true. Love forever, that to which everyone aspires and almost nobody achieves, available to everyone thanks to mathematics. That said, we should be happy.

It seems that everything in life is easier to solve if we are able to consider it in the form of an equation. That is, at least, what this group of mathematicians affirms that has conducted an investigation for the MSN portal. From the surveys carried out to more than 2,000 men and women, the research team found the key aspects that determine the duration of a love relationship. Then, they only needed to calibrate the importance of each aspect, and the following formula emerged: L = 8 + .5y - .2p + .9hm + .3mf + J - .3g - .5 (SM - SF) 2 + i + 1.5 C, where:
L: Previous duration of the relationship, in years. And: number of years that have been known by the two members of the couple before starting a serious relationship. Q: Number of previous couples that add the two people. HM: Importance that man attributes to honesty in the relationship. MF: Importance that women attribute to money in the relationship. J: Importance that both attribute to the sense of humor (in short). G: Importance that both attribute to physical appearance (in short). SM and SF: Importance that man (m) and woman (f) attribute to sex. I: Importance attributed to having good relations with family members (in short). C: Importance attributed to having children (in short).

As a joke is not bad. Hopefully the important things in life depended on finding the appropriate mathematical formulas and just applying them. But not, we know. Rather it is the opposite. As our life progresses, what usually happens is that we discover a great truth: there are no rules, there are no magical formulas. How to get love, how to achieve professional success, how to educate our children well, how to improve our environment, how to achieve happiness ... There are no formulas: only us, others and the world. But we do know something that is fundamental, and the attitude counts. 10% of our life is what happens to us, and 90% is how we act on what happens to us. With a positive and active attitude, we will be beginning to achieve our goals. No formulas.