
The tree we see in the photo is called "the Ike tree." Or rather, it was called, because it died a few days ago due to the great snowfall of this winter in the United States. Ike was, specifically, one of the icons of the Augusta National Golf course. This famous Pino of the 175 -year -old hole and 25 meters high, failed to overcome the very adverse weather conditions that he had to suffer during this winter, suffering great damages that have meant their death, crying by all in Augusta.

A symbol, located 210 meters from the exit tee of Hole 17, was an obstacle that constantly bothered the one who was president of the US and member of the Augusta Club, Ike Eisenhower. He even requested in an assembly of partners to withdraw it, but the proposal was not accepted. Logically, the episode transcended and earned this tree the name that has taken to his death.

For Jack Nicklaus, mythical golfer, six times winner in Augusta, is an unfortunate loss since he has been one more member of the game that removed many of the possibility of dressing the green jacket that accredits the winner of Augusta's master's degree.

A beautiful story, that of Ike. A story that contains several teachings for us. First, that it is not necessary to talk much or notice to be loved: Ike got it with 125 years of constant and silent presence. Second, that it is impossible to like everyone: there is always someone who can blame you for all their ills, including their own incompetence with golf sticks. And thirdly, that it is important to stand firm when necessary, not allow our roots to move: if we succeed, no one is able to with us. Not even the president of the United States.

Ike has died. Long life to Ike.