

Much has been written these days following the death of Nelson Mandela, on December 5, at 95. It is practically impossible to say something that has not already been said in one of the millions of media, blogs and social networks that have dedicated a space to their figure. Nor have those who, from a position of political or economic power, have a hypocritically dedicated to Nelson Mandela, praise that are contradictory with their acts of each day, with the laws they dictate and the behaviors they show.

So, after thinking a lot, we have decided to reproduce here some manifestations of the singer and composer Peter Gabriel. Gabriel, unlike some of the politicians that we have mentioned above, has been participating in human rights projects for many years, and supporting Mandela, so his words have a double value. This is what Gabriel said about Mandela:

“Leaving jail after 27 years and immediately try to rebuild a new nation next to your worst enemy is a single and extraordinary example of courage and ability to forgive. In this case, Mandela had seen many of his friends defeated, imprisoned, killed; And yet he maintained the will to trust humanity and idealism of those who had been his oppressors, without whom he knew it would not be possible to achieve a peaceful transition in power. There has never been an example of leadership more inspiring in my whole life. ”