
Adictos a las series
Adictos a las series
Adictos a las series
Adictos a las series
If we can say something of the team of Natura Central, we are addicted to series. Sometimes it even looks like a competition, swallowing season after season in record time to avoid Spoilers. Not to mention the meetings that are stagnated by this topic and the amount of time we spend commenting and analyzing the chapters of the series on duty. It is super productive ... The fact is that we could not miss the opportunity to make a post on this topic, since the Netflix phenomenon emerged we have not stopped seeing new series and we feel that we can make a good recommendation. :) These are the series chosen for our Top 3: 1. Big Little Lies Our favorite and the great winner of this year's Golden Globes. It would be a sin to define it as the "typical" women's series. It is a series that treats such serious issues as abuse, whose protagonists are not teenage girls and also has a murder to solve that gets caught up to the last chapter. What does it of 10 is how well it is counted and shot, its luxury cast (Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Shailene Woodley ...) and her soundtrack full of songs (which, of course, sounds in the office without stopping). You will not want or omit the introduction, it is spectacular. 2. Stranger Things Surely you will know many already, but I couldn't be on our list. The first thing I thought about this series inspired by the 80s was that there was life beyond Game of Thrones. I recognize that I am not a fan of science fiction, but Stranger Things managed to fall in love with the first moment. The achieved aesthetics, music and, of course, the protagonists. If you are a nostalgic of the 80s, you marked movies like Et either The Goonies, this is undoubtedly your series. And if you didn't live the dwelling of the shoulder pads, too. 3. SINNER Produced and starring Jessica Biel, the series begins with a homicide that neither the author can explain. It is a psychological drama full of mystery that makes you not stop turning the plot. A short, intense series that will have you attached to the screen until the end. We have very pending The Handmaid's Tale And, while I write this post, a partner has just approached to recommend Manhunt: Unabomber. Have you seen them? Do not hesitate to pass your recommendations, we will love to meet your preferred series of 2017. Finally, we leave you with our kit for a sofa and blanket night:
  • A blanket Tasty
  • Cushion To keep your feet warm.
  • Bowl of popcorn
  • Tray For tablet or laptop, ideal if you are one of those who see the series in bed.
  • Cushion For tablet, if you are one of those who do not miss a chapter or in the car.