Through me

Through me
Through me
Through me
Through me

Iñaki Lemiechevsky was born on August 22, 2001 in Montevideo, Uruguay. On November 6, 2006, his parents, Karina Blanco and Roberto Lemiechevsky, along with their grandparents (Raquel and Aníbal Blanco) decided to move to Spain due to the crisis that the country lived. The family moved to Badalona, ​​Spain. After several years with atypical behaviors, at 9 years the Center for Autisme La Garriga diagnoses to Iñaki Asperger Syndrome and an intellectual coefficient of 150 in all logical areas. From the beginning his education takes place in a normal school until today, in which he is 12 years old and has started his stage at the La Llauna de Badalona Institute.
Iñaki invites us, through Through Me (a documentary that shows his life for two years), to enter the gears of his mind, approaching his complex way of perceiving the world, his constant struggle to adapt to a society different from He and his brilliant vision of life. An inner trip between the real and the dream that approaches us to one of the great mysteries of our time, the disorder of the autistic spectrum narrated by its own protagonist and with the participation of great professionals of psychology and psychiatry.
The idea of ​​the documentary was created when Andrea Lamount, its director, met Iñaki, and was immediately fascinated by her personality. Initially the project was only photographic, but it is soon perceived that this is not enough. From then on, Andrea becomes for two years, chamber and microphone in a list, in the shadow, the accomplice, the friend of Iñaki. After those two years of absolute dedication and intimate relationship with Iñaki and his family, Through Me, an inner journey to one of the great mysteries of our time, the autistic spectrum disorder narrated by its own protagonist.
On May 22, at 7:00 p.m., and in the Auditorium of Cosmocaixa, the presentation of Through Me will be held. All those interested in attending must write an email to to reserve their entrance.