Like, give it like

Dale al like, dale al like
Dale al like, dale al like
Dale al like, dale al like
Dale al like, dale al like
That the human being likes to like is nothing new. Perhaps the narcissism of "Like" is a contemporary vision of this custom as vanity. Social networks are full of information and a "like" or sharing is the virtual translation of a palmadita on the back, an emotional support, a wink. The “Like A Vision” mural of the artist Thoms represents a man obsessed with the feedback of Facebook and the “Like”, an illustration that has generated a lot like". A contradiction, a beautiful and beautiful contradiction. Like a vision desde Diego Della Posta ON Vimeo. What began by a revolutionary practice such as being able to publish our photographs, works, opinions, etc., from a computer and a little later from our own mobile, has become something common and an exponential habit. It is undeniable that, today, brands, people and entities fight and rival to get the more possible "likes" better. But the question is not whether that is good or not, but the question is to know how many of those "likes" are real. There are many who are simply impulsive, others that are even bought and, on the other hand, some who have really read an article, seen photography or illustration and are delighted with it. It is evident that not all "likes" have the same qualitative level, not everyone express the same. Therefore, this morning seeing this poster we thought it is very possible that, in a very short time, there are different types of “likes”. They may have different colors, different hand positions, but the fact is that it would be a good idea to differentiate if a content likes, a little or very little, but also because in the digital era where excess information begins to be done every time More patent, it could be a good way to discern and classify the quality of everything that circulates through the network. This and another type of reflections are possible thanks to Thoms's illustrations, you can see them here Of course, you decide what kind of "like" you would give the good of Thoms.