Montse, from Aigua Per Al Sahel, sends us photos of the Hielà well, in the Sissili, to the south of the country and transmits the happiness of the people in the area.
We are very happy to see that, year after year, the project Water for water Keep growing and raising money. That is thanks to all the people who contribute to the purchase of bottles in our stores. Thank you!
And we want to take advantage of this post to give visibility to one of the big problems Burkina Faso lives: terrorism in the north and east of the country. This causes more than two million displaced. One of the NGO cooperators in Burkina, Hubert, photographed a small caravan that arrived in Arbolé, north of Ouaga. They look at how they should leave their villages with their few possessions and leave behind the cultivation fields, their main source of food.
For a world without wars!