The award Natura collaborates with humanitarian aid projects or protection of nature. We already have the winners award Natura XX
Since its creation in 1994, the award has recognized and grateful the task of many people and organizations with more than 1.5 million euros.
When you buy in Natura You are contributing to our prize.
Last week we received in our office Natura to the winners of the different
Prize Natura XX.
We would like to share with you the photographs of the award ceremony and a brief history of what they told us:
Foundation of hope and joy
Sorolina told us her incredible feats in the 47 years she had been in India, helping millions of abandoned children in the streets and bus stops, we were all shocked and even with a feeling of guilt. Now she is in Spain for health, and she doesn't like anything, she wants to return, because she knows that she can do more here.
With the Foundation, they have made many children go to school and study, so that life of a second chance, and with the prize they will get the Karuna Care Care Center center to be sustainable and have a future dependence.
We wish you all the best, and that Sorolina recovers soon and can return to India.
Teresa comes from Fudi, in Guatemala. He explains that many mothers have no resources to nurture their families well and that is why there are many children with malnutrition that must be treated.
The prize they have received will use it to help these mothers with technical support that allows them to cultivate small vegetable orchards that complement the family diet and contribute to overcome the risk of chronic malnutrition.
Again, we wish you the best and we will inform you of the state of these children and their families.
Codespa Foundation
Teresa and Beatriz put us up to all the things that Codespa does to help others, and the time they have been working for this cause.
With the aid of the prize, a project called drums against hunger will make a reality, in which they will help Huambo's families know how to store food with a low cost so that nothing is missing and thus hunger is reduced.
We also wish you the greatest successes and hope to know more about the development of the project.

Thank you very much for participating, and do not stop sending your projects in our next award Natura XIX.