That dream is nature.1

A name that in Spanish means:

"Set of elements and forces that make up the universe."

A company in which we laugh and cry, in which to go to the office in flip and principles. And yes, we are not going to deceive you, that costs.

Welcome to Natura.

We are the closest to a smell: indescribable.

Entering a Natura store is to find accessories, books, decoration accessories and original objects that you didn't even know that they existed.

Natura Manifesto

We have 5 principles that move us:

Lorem Ipsum Pain Sit Amet, Conseteur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor Pretor Viverra suspendisse potenti.Lorem psum Pain Sit Amet, Consertur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor PRETIMVOVERRA SUSPENDISSE POTENTI.

Lorem Ipsum Pain Sit Amet, Conseteur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor Pretor Viverra suspendisse potenti.Lorem psum Pain Sit Amet, Consertur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor PRETIMVOVERRA SUSPENDISSE POTENTI.

Lorem Ipsum Pain Sit Amet, Conseteur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor Pretor Viverra suspendisse potenti.Lorem psum Pain Sit Amet, Consertur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor PRETIMVOVERRA SUSPENDISSE POTENTI.

Lorem Ipsum Pain Sit Amet, Conseteur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor Pretor Viverra suspendisse potenti.Lorem psum Pain Sit Amet, Consertur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor PRETIMVOVERRA SUSPENDISSE POTENTI.

Lorem Ipsum Pain Sit Amet, Conseteur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor Pretor Viverra suspendisse potenti.Lorem psum Pain Sit Amet, Consertur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do Eiusmod Tempa Incididunt ut work et ELEMENTUM SAGITTIS VITAE ET LEO DUIS UT. UT Tortor PRETIMVOVERRA SUSPENDISSE POTENTI.

Our history
Where do we come from and where are we going

1994: The expansion begins

Natura begins its expansion in Spain through various franchises and the opening of the first store abroad, located in Porto (Portugal).

The Natura Universe: Much more than products

“When I opened the first store, what I wanted was to sell feelings, provoke them. I always repeat young people who want to be entrepreneurs: the first thing is to have illusion and lose sight of fear, and this is applicable to open a bar or sell firewood at home; And then, if you get excited and do it well, the money comes, which is like an award. "


The bear as a natura symbol

The Natura stores became popular during the nineties with new openings and with them the bear at the entrance of each store. He never had a name but became very famous among the generation that were children in the 90s.




Our most emblematic bags

Our bags have a peculiarity: they change every 4 months!

With them we want to provoke, denounce, make you think or smile. There are some more sober and elegant, others crazy and colorful. They are usually the reflection of how we feel.

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016

Connect with Natura

Spring, 2016