Do not "do anything" can be frowned upon in our frantic rhythm society. Yes, we live a day where productivity, to make the most of time, fill us with tasks is what is most valued. But ... be careful! We are clear. Sometimes it is necessary to go from everything and stop. Take care of one very and "do nothing" (which is to do a lot). Today we bring you some tips and products to enjoy a big day of vacation sun@ at home. Do we continue?
1. Get out of bed when you want.
That is, do not put the alarm clock and, the previous night leaves the blinds of your room. In this way your awakening will be gradual, just like dawn. But don't get out of bed until you want. Today you deserve it. Here you have an article on how to practice two greetings to the sun when you get up.
2. Marcate a 5 -star breakfast.
What is your ideal breakfast? Well, for him. We propose a delicious macedonia of fruits with homemade pancakes and one of your favorite teas or coffees. Do not eat too much but enjoy it to the fullest. Here we teach you to practice Slow breakfast, key to having a good day.
3. A comfortable look will be your best ally.
3. Dedicate half an hour to your skin self -care.
4. Marcate a good series marathon
They always want a couple of hours from your favorite series. well warmed in your armchair and with a delicious infusion of wild herbs. Here are the 11 best Spanish series of 2021 in Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Movistar+...
5. Look for a while to write or meditate
A whole day for you would be a waste if you don't take advantage of focus on yourself in a positive way. Meditate for a while about what worries you, your projects, etc ... will sit you great. You will not find another moment as quiet. Discover here the Benefits of meditating ten minutes a day.